Saundersfoot, Pembrokeshire, Wales
Saundersfoot has about 3,000 residents, which made us small-town women feel right at home. It’s an active, friendly community, with a beach that gets long and wide when the tide is out. Many people more stalwart than us were frolicking in the surf at the end of May. It’s such a clean place, we suspected town elves came out nightly to tidy up before the new day dawned. With the ready availability of ice cream (stores, beachside trucks, booths) we started to wonder if it was the official town food.
We rented the self-catering Edith Cottage and were pleased with the accommodation. It’s a ten-minute stroll from the beach in a quiet neighborhood. Plenty of room for (more than) two people, an electric fireplace—and most important: Wine glasses. Sara, the owner, rocks.
Antony, at the information center, was extremely helpful in trying to get us to Kilgetty to visit the lovespoons shop. This office is also the community library and a couple told us which bus to take and where to walk from the bus stop. We didn’t end up making it, but the conversations were great fun.
According to a couple of different people, Saundersfoot is known as “Little England beyond the borders” because of the number of folks moving from England to Saundersfoot. When we told a fellow that we’d been to Fishguard on our previous Welsh adventure, he said, “More Welsh over there.” Both bits of coastline have their advantages and beauty.
Saundersfoot Shops to Enjoy
Jackie was making purchases in Elements—a store where the items are created in Pembrokeshire. A community policeman came in and announced to us and two other women that he was, “the spending police.” He quipped on and on to ensure we were spending enough. He had us in stitches in no time.
In Chobbles Sweet Shop, a delightful young woman was behind the counter. I asked, “How do you work around these beautiful chocolates?” With mock seriousness she said, “Sometimes I take one for the team.” The chocolates were delicious and the store is full of vintage items.
Sue’s Pantry has the best cake and cupcake window display we’ve ever glimpsed. The treats are as delicious as they are pretty. This said by a woman who has Pittsburgh’s Prantl’s Bakery to drool over—their windows aren’t this gorgeous.
Welsh Humor to be Had
We enjoyed our first-ever afternoon tea at St. Bride’s Spa. The diverse staff was very gracious—from Italy, France, Wales. We had a lovely window table that provided a grand view of the beach. There were small, crustless sandwiches, scones and sweets. We weren’t sure of the protocol for the leftovers—is it a blatantly American thing to ask for a box?—, but at forty pounds and delicious, we sure didn’t want to leave any treats behind. Jackie made the decision to wrap them in a napkin and stuff them in my purse. We were giggling and wondering if Saundersfoot also had a “tea police.” Not a minute later, two older British ladies asked, “May we have a box?” We barely held it together.
At checkout, the waiter walked by with our tiered dish, the lone lemon cakes remaining. He asked, “Do you want me to box these for you?” Jackie calmly said, “No thank you, we don’t like lemon.”
By the time we got outside, we were laughing like drunken sailors. Jackie was quickly in SLM (silent laugh mode).
Saundersfoot, Pembrokeshire, Wales
The beach at Saundersfoot is a great place to indulge collecting stones and shells. Jackie is as possessed as I am. The tide was so far out at times that these two land-locked people were amazed. We never came to understand the tides scientifically, but we did like the varying views the ins and outs of it gave us.
If you want to learn more about this lovely town, check out the official “Visit Saundersfoot” Facebook page. Maybe you’ll add it to your upcoming trip list!
Saundersfoot’s quaintness made us country gals feel at home. It’s an active, friendly community, with a beach that gets long and wide when the tide is out.
You and Wales!
I agree it is pretty to look at. Finally I can say I have now visited a long while after you shared your stories with us. Edith Cottage looks cosy and remote for a getaway break. The bakers looks rather quaint, I imagine they sell the more traditional cakes and pastries.
I’m always glad to hear that someone goes to Pembrokeshire–it’s my favorite place!
Hi Rosemary. Reading your posts about Wales has put this destination on my Bucket List! A visit to Chobbles Sweet Shop would be a must. I love the discussion you had with the young woman behind the counter. On being asked, “How do you work around these beautiful chocolates?” — her response was priceless! — “Sometimes I take one for the team.” That’s the way I feel about what I do!!!
I thought of you when we visited that shop, Doreen. Anyone who loves being outdoors, would love a good ramble around Wales–and in the lovely little villages like Saundersfoot, Newport, Tenby … so many more. I love how you love your work!
I LOVE Saundersfoot….it was a great find in Wales!
Can’t wait to get back.
Hi Rose, what a lovely little town. The lady in the sweet shop is funny. I am afraid if I worked there I’d be taking a whole lot more than one for the team. 🙂
Couldn’t agree with you more, Susan. The sweet stores in Saundersfoot were all unique!
I’ve never heard of Saundersfoot, but it sounds like such a cute little town. And any town that has ice cream on every corner has got to be a good place. The story of you and your sister debating over whether you could take leftovers and then hiding them in your purse is too funny. True story: when I was a kid, my parents and I ate at a restaurant where you couldn’t take leftovers home (because every meal came with an all you can eat salad bar, so they didn’t want you to gorge on salad thinking you could take your entree home) My mother once threw an entire steak in her purse.
Erica, that story is hysterically funny! You go, Mom! HA!
Phoenicia and a couple of people told me that the doggy bag thing originated in America. Easy to guess why, isn’t it? We are continually given too much food for a normal person to eat. The Chinese restaurant we used to go to for lunch back in my office days is a prime example–some of my colleagues could polish off a meal, but it took me three days to eat it all!
Saundersfoot is worth a repeat.
Saundersfoot looks so pretty. The coloured houses and the wide open road. You can tell I live in a town!
I love afternoon tea especially in quaint little villages. It is an American thing to ask for a doggy bag but then you did pay for it!
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading of your experiences in Wales. I really must plan to take a break there and soon.
Glad you enjoyed Wales, Phoenicia and I look forward to hearing about it when you finally get to visit! The tea thing…oh my gosh was that fun! And although the champagne tea we had in London was nice, we both preferred the Saundersfoot experience.
What wonderful pictures. It seems like such a nice, quiet place to visit. Like walking into a postcard.
Thanks for sharing.
I think you’d like all of Wales, William.
I never been to afternoon tea. Sounds like fun. It seems like a great way to enjoy your afternoon.
Grab a girlfriend and go, Sabrina! It was fun both times we did it–next time is in a London blog.
OMG, Rose! You are becoming as bad as me searching out all the sweet spots! I’m sure I would enjoy a visit to Chobbles Sweet Shop! I hope I get there one day.
HA! Doreen. I seek out chocolate in your honor–honestly!
After reading your post Saundersfoot sounds to be a perfect getaway. Hope to visit some time.
Welcome, Sushmita. Saundersfoot and all of Pembrokeshire is worth visiting.
Saundersfoot sounds absolutely lovely. I too grew up land-locked and was amazed by my first experiences with differences in tide levels. It still fascinates me.
Donna, isn’t it a wondrous thing to find amazing things in nature?
Small beach communities like Saundersfoot can be so addicting and tend to have so much character. I’ve yet to do an afternoon tea, and that looks like the perfect spot.
It was a great spot, Jeri. People watching and harbor watching. What could be better? Oh yeah, champagne!
Saundersfoot sounds perfectly lovely! More important is the fun you had while visiting.
Saundersfoot was lovely to visit–the people, the views…all wonderful.
I want to go back! I loved everything about Saundersfoot! Except the mean coffee lady….I didn’t like that.
Surprising that the Mean Coffee Lady could stay in business in a town that small! Yep, Saundersfoot was great.
Sounds like a wonderful atmosphere. Small towns for tourists. That could be a whole new trend in travel.
Just back from another small town (Cazenovia, NY), Ken, and much prefer being a tourist there than in the bigger cities.