Why spend your hard earned cash on a paper gift bag? Chances are it could rip just as you hand it to your friend? Why not give a snazzy, handmade cloth bag instead? Your friend will love it and maybe you’ll do what my sisters and I do …. Our gift bags are traded back and forth until we forget who started it all!

Maybe you’ll even stuff a Travel Bag inside a gift bag! Why not?

The bottle bags fit a small bottle of Prosecco or a regular bottle of Chianti (I love my Italian wines!). What? Well sure, a bottle of Boones Farm is welcome inside one of these gems. And if you’re not imbibing in alcohol—no worries, Elderflower tonic here you come! 

Bottle (750ml) Bags!

Need to share a little love this Valentine’s Day? These bags are perfect to gift a bottle of vino. Each bag is lined. Some of rounded bottoms and some have a charm dangling from a ribbon. I must have fun, right? $15.00 each.

Holiday Season Gift Bags


Bottle & Gift Bags

The holiday bags all started as one layer of fabric, but my life escalates. Sewing these bags was no exception to that. I started adding lining—and why only one fabric? Let’s add two different pieces! One ribbon? Why? How about two? Or maybe make one into a bow. Let’s change things up and have some more fun! Flat bottom? Round bottom? Poofy bottom. Everything created on a whim!

Order by number in parentheses (ex G5, W1, S2, TT1). To order, email me at RM @ MusingsFromaRedhead.com 

Many of the gift bags are the perfect size to hold a Travel Journal. Doesn’t the adventurer in your life need one?

Return to the main travel bag page here.

Instagram here–new bags will readily appear in the feed!