Category: My Fiction Book Reviews

Book Review: The Letter

My copy of the paperback, as happens with books that stir my mind, is dog-eared and notated throughout.

The premise is a letter delivered upon the death of a woman where she tells an elderly man that he has a son—a son raised with a Christian fervor that excludes every other religion as inferior and requiring elimination.

The catch? The elderly man is Jewish.

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Book Review: The Late Show

In my reviews of Connelly’s work I have often said that he does not always write a well-rounded female character. They are often minor players, there to support a male character. Yet there are times, such as with Bosch’s daughter, Maddy and her mother, Rachel, that they are intriguing and can stand on their own merits. With The Late Show and Renee Ballard is, perhaps, the start of something new. Is Renee rather confusing and rough around the edges? A little. But I have hope and feel it would be wrong to be hypercritical of a worthwhile author who has taken this gamble on a new series … Doing that takes guts.

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RoseMary Griffith

Woman wearing pink pullover


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